Tuesday, March 22, 2011

In Her Shoes

I loved this movie. The main point of this movie that I got from this was that at times in your life, you should put yourself in someone elses shoes before you judge. The acting was fairly good, and the story line was great. What do you guys think about this movie???


  1. I think i'm gonna have to watch this one, i love movies like this.

  2. I think that you would actually really like it. It was one of Cameron Diaz best movies.

  3. How to say, I just saw the movie, but I can not finished it. The plot is so slow. Maybe try next time. Hehe

  4. watched it i liked it, very cute, made me cry :p

  5. I have never seen this movie and I don't think that I will too. I feel this is chick flick lol
